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ISSA Rochester Chapter

December 2018 Joint ISSA-OWASP Meeting

Join the local Rochester ISSA and OWASP chapters for dinner from the Dinosaur BBQ as well as a special presentation by past RSS presenter and cybersecurity expert Jim Keeler.

Admission is free, though space is limited so please RSVP.

Where: Nixon Peabody, 1300 Clinton Square, 14th floor (free parking underneath the building, bring the ticket to the meeting for validation)
When: Wednesday, December 19th, 6:00 PM (Please RSVP to by Monday, December 17th.)

Introduction to Threat Modeling

Every business has something to protect. Has yours modeled all of the ways it could be attacked? How will you defend your assets if attacked? How will you account for changes in the threat landscape? We will explore all of these questions and discuss a repeatable process for reducing risk.

Download Presentation Slides (3.5MB)

Jim Keeler, Calero Software

Jim is a senior software engineer at Calero Software. He has been designing and building software since 2005 in many different languages and environments. At Calero, Jim volunteers on an internal security team to promote secure development practices, conduct threat modeling, and support security initiatives. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from SUNY Fredonia and is pursuing a GSSP-.NET certification.

Please RSVP to by Monday, December 17th to reserve your seat at this exciting event.