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ISSA Rochester Chapter

May 2019 Joint ISSA-OWASP Meeting

Join the local Rochester ISSA and OWASP chapters for a special presentation on the OWASP Amass Project by Jeff Foley and Anthony Rhodes.

Sustenance (likely pizza) and beverages will be provided. Space is limited so please RSVP.

Where: Nixon Peabody, 1300 Clinton Square, 14th floor (free parking underneath the building, bring the ticket to the meeting for validation)
When: Wednesday, May 8th, 6:00 PM (Please RSVP to by Monday, May 6th.)

OWASP Amass Project

Today, large organizations deal with the challenge of running their infrastructure across many networks and namespaces due to the use of cloud and hosting services, legacy environments and acquisitions. This can make it difficult for an organization to maintain visibility of its Internet-facing assets and an ability to track down systems that pose a risk to its security posture. The OWASP Amass Project attempts to help organizations perform network mapping of its attack surface and better understand how its assets are distributed across the networks of trusted partners. During this talk, contributors to the OWASP Amass Project will discuss how to utilize the tools and demonstrate how to regain visibility of a large network infrastructure.

Jeff Foley, Project Leader of the OWASP Amass Project

Jeff has spent the last eighteen years as an innovative technologist and technical leader taking on challenges in the area of cyber warfare. He started the Amass project after noticing the need for robust and practical OSINT tools that aid information security professionals in mapping complex networks.

Anthony Rhodes, Contributor to the OWASP Amass Project

Anthony has over five years of industry experience as a penetration tester, red teamer, and software engineer. He has been following the OWASPAmass Project since its inception and has recently joined as a contributor to help enrich its functionality beyond DNS enumeration and network mapping.

Please RSVP to by Monday, May 6th to reserve your seat at this exciting event!